T. Wieland Allen
He is not green and he is not an imaginary animal/person. He is a poor man whose own father was neglectful in his fatherly skills and he denied the young Grinch the love, kindness, guidance and training in how to honor and treasure all human relationships. Instead, his father had taught him that money would buy him the love and compassion that the heart of the Grinch craved. That emotionally afflicted father programmed his child to bully, cheat, rob and deceive other people in order to get what he thought that the Grinch needed, which was the same as the attention and love of which Grinch's own father had in the same way been robbed by his also loveless father. It was a curse to the third and fourth generations.
Grinch's father and mother cherished money, houses and cars that they erroneously thought would buy them respect and praise from other people. Instead, their robbing and cheating other people that caused them to achieve great wealth had dug a hole in their own hearts which was never filled with love, so they taught their "special" son to walk in their own footsteps which unfortunately had tread on the lives of their workers, business associates, women and minorities without a pang of guilt for their lack of compassion.
Their "special" son grew into his parents' flawed image, the reflection of their coldhearted, cruel, morally bankrupt, cheating, vindictive reflection of their own personalities. As a child he showed no pity for anyone. Stomping on the hearts, lives, finances of working people and especially on minorities brought joy to the Grinch as he matured into a man with no scruples, no moral compass and no value for other human beings, even in his own family, his parents or his siblings.
Every business opportunity was based upon the elementary teachings of his parents whose tutoring of Grinch was paying off as the Grinch amassed a fortune built upon the broken hearts of workers, abused women and tainted money. He left behind him broken promises to associates as the owner of his company, workers' bills unpaid, unpaid salaries and other moral crimes against the poor and working classes of people.
Delusions of grandeur took over a portion of the brain of the Grinch. He began to visualize himself in a position of greater importance where he could be in charge of huge amounts of money which he hoped would do the work of amassing even larger sums of money for himself and possibly filling the hole in his heart which had grown into a huge chasm by this time as he matured physically but not emotionally, spiritually or morally. Nothing had filled that huge chasm, neither his three wives nor his three children. They were all dispensable.
The hunger and thirst for power over a huge group of people presented itself quickly as the Grinch saw the opportunity to exert power over an entire country of people whom he considered inferior to himself, inferior in power, inferior in intelligence, inferior in physical appearance and inferior in the evil art of manipulating people into doing his will in their lives instead of their following their own wills. He considered manipulation to be a gift and a positive personality trait.
Narcissism had taken over another area of his brain many years before, and paranoia had become his constant mindset when he encountered people who had opinions, morals, and intelligence contrary to the Grinch. He hired and fired employees almost as quickly as when they came in the front door because many of them were soon ushered out the back door if they had unique opinions of their own. People continued to be dispensable to him, even his own children whom he put in government positions which they were completely unqualified to perform.
A problem soon arose inside of the Grinch's political headquarters that stemmed from the fact that he demanded 100% loyalty from everyone in his large circle of associations at the headquarters of his country. Their personal opinions were detrimental to his goals in the eyes of Grinch because he, himself, only pursued narrow minded pursuits that made him look capable, always in charge, more knowledgeable and better looking than anyone else. None of those characteristics were actually located in the personality of the Grinch except by his worshipful followers. He refused to share the limelight, which he voraciously craved, with anyone.
Very quickly the Grinch used his cultish gift of persuasion on the multitude of followers in his position as head of a country. He was gifted, as if from hell, in melodiously speaking lies that elevated him into the position of becoming a savior in the eyes of the mass of his followers who became his slaves and forever admiring lovers of his bullying, cruel, manipulative personality. Even though his personal financial empire had fallen years ago, his self exalting lies about his unproven accomplishments were convincing to half of the people in the land, especially people who had a lack of success in their own lives. They covered over their own failures by identifying with the arrogant and domineering character of the Grinch. They deeply admired the Grinch which, in their own minds, elevated themselves to his level of pseudo-success, even though tales of his success were all a lie that he had formulated in his own mind and he had repeatedly laced his lectures with the lies. He called his lectures "press conferences", but they were lectures that included his self gratifying lies which became reality not only in his own mind but also in the minds of his multitude of followers.
The Grinch's manipulative maneuvers over people that he learned from childhood from his own father worked on the masses of people just like it had worked in his business dealings. His lies were believed by his followers. He controlled his own children and his administrative staff with fear resulting from his frequent tantrums. Fear of having to endure more of his tantrums molded them to him even more tightly because of his constant melodious speeches about his pseudo accomplishment which became truth to them because the lies were played more and more frequently on TV in his efforts to control the masses by the sound of his own voice which seemed so calm and caring but there was no caring in his character so that was a lie, also. There were no other voices allowed into his conversations with his staff and his followers. So consequently they found his bullying and name calling, his sarcasm and his lying to be normal because they wanted a domineering and strong king to claim as their savior. They wanted to be dominated and controlled so that they wouldn't need to chart their own courses in life. They adored him and each person allowed the Grinch to become his or own substitute "self".
The followers of the Grinch saw in him the personality that they sought to be, seemingly self assured, seemingly wealthy, a man who appeared to be a friend of kings and the wealthy while, in fact, he was to the outside world a foolish, self promoting psychopath who had been trained by an expert in manipulation, that person being his own father. His followers were blinded to his failures because of his constant braggings which were all lies, his self exaltation, his outlandish claims to fame and his pitiful need for attention and adoration. All of his character flaws had become normal to his followers while the rest of the country and the world identified him as abnormal, classifying him as the Emperor Who Wore No Clothes. He was naked of a moral compass, compassion, respect for others, love, kindness, pity, goodness and mercy but his followers were blinded by his self exaltation and they could not see his moral nakedness.
The endless words that poured from the mouth of Grinch were like honey in the ears of his followers while in truth they were sweet tasting, poisonous elixirs. Some followers even followed him to their own death, believing him instead of believing trained doctors and scientists when a medical plague entered into their country. The Grinch then, in his narcissism, refused to follow the advice and guidance of health specialists, convincing his loyal followers that he knew more than the scientists with 12-15 years of medical training. The Grinch's claim of being smarter than the medical personnel was based on his premises that he had an uncle who was a scientist so he had the uncle's vast knowledge transferred to the Grinch simply by osmosis, just by being around his uncle on occasion. The truth was that the Grinch had paid people to take tests for him all of his life instead of his personally passing difficult tests in most of his educational pursuits. Even though his lie about his gaining scientific knowledge by being in the same room with his uncle was probably the most absurdly bizarre form of a lie and it was completely impossible, the masses continued to follow the Grinch because he was convincing, filled with pride and arrogance, and he constantly told them that he would save them. He became their god, which was his desire all along.
The Grinch even polluted an entire generation of people who called themselves by the name of Christ People, their having been convinced of his godliness by the Grinch himself in his constant press conferences called by the Grinch in order for his voice to spew more lies in an effort to overcome the voices of logic and wisdom that his followers might glean from other sources of real truth. Those people called themselves Christ People and he used his manipulative talents to lead them into abandoning their own fundamental evangelistic beliefs and bind themselves to the Grinch by his influencing them to abandon their own search for spiritual truth and instead to become emotionally empowered by his captivating, toxic words. The tight bond between them was his promise to the Christ People that he would guarantee the passage of legislation for the entire country that would establish their narrow views of morality. That toxic relationship was one person manipulating an entire class of people and vice versa, that group of people excusing his character flaws because of his promise to pass their moral prejudices, making them into laws. In other words, it was as what commonly occurred in government, you scratch our backs and we'll scratch your back.
The Christ People gave to the Grinch their adoration in exchange for his promise to legislate morality for the country by instituting their narrow, legalistic religious laws. Instead of their continuing to be Christ People, his followers became non-Christ-Like People, remade into the image of Grinch who had become their idol; therefore, he became their lord and savior, which was his goal from the beginning. The people who previously were called Christ People became Non-Christ-Like People by their allowing themselves to be recreated into the image of the Grinch instead of their God. Their new personalities distributed into the world his lies, division, discord, hatred, fear and prejudice, all in the name of legalistic religion and factious politics.
The political agendas of the former Christ People's many ministers and evangelicals caused them to slowly become reprogrammed into Grinch People as they became more and more grilled by him on his ability to assure them that he could make their political policies become moral laws for the entire country. Their narrow minded political policies had become their new religion as the Grinch became their god and savior.
There were many other people in the country who were not deceived by the divisive political and religious rhetoric of the Grinch. They instead recognized the evil in the lies that the Grinch spoke about everyone outside of his huge circle of worshipers. Outside of himself and his followers, his identifying everyone else as being demonic had begun to be the daily propaganda contained in Grinch's teaching sessions of lectures which he called his press conferences. In addition, almost every day he sent frequent social media messages to his constituents in order for his toxic words to constantly occupy the minds of his many followers to guarantee their being accepted as being normal and convincing.
No one in his inner circle of worshipers was capable of reining in the Grinch from the constant spewing out of his outlandish accusations and lies, not his family, not his political constituents, not his followers, not federal judges, not the higher court justices. Everyone cowered in fear at the likelihood of being present during one of his wild and unhinged tantrums which were frequent with ever increasing vengeance pointed toward a large percentage of people in the country. Someone with governmental power such as the authority of the attorney general for the entire country needed to stop the childish tantrums of the Grinch but unfortunately that elected official had also been a Christ Person who became a dedicated follower of the Grinch, so he became the attorney for the Grinch instead of the general attorney for the country, which was illegal and immoral; but you must remember that the Grinch had no moral compass and he passed that trait on to his followers.
An election was called and the Grinch lost the election because more people voted against him because they saw his cruelty to minorities, children, immigrants and his opponents. More voters voted for his opponent than voted for the Grinch. His followers continued to be blind to his ungodly character, his pride, his self righteousness, the pompous display of his bullying, his name calling, his mocking of his countrymen, his refusal to keep the constitutional laws of the country, and his willing associations with criminals and cruel dictators of other nations.
In his falsely created reality that he himself had espoused and eventually also believed, his overblown ego contended that it was impossible for him to lose the election; and so the vengeful nature of the Grinch resulted in his stubborn refusal to give up his position as leader of the country even though he had lost the vote of confidence of his country by several million votes.
The devotion of the Grinch's followers accelerated instead of decreasing as they swallowed his continuing claim that he was cheated by illegal balloting in the vote even though he had lost by several million votes. Of course they continued in their adoration of him as their savior because they had fallen hook, line and sinker for his lies that he knew more than educated scientists about the plague that had sickened many millions of people in the country. The Grinch had convinced his followers early on in the plague that because he had an uncle who was a scientist that he attracted the uncle's scientific knowledge to himself just by being in the same room with his uncle on occasion. The blind devotion that caused the followers to accept as truth such a farfetched lie falls in the proven category of cult leader and cult followers.
The Grinch began to fall from power in the minds of a few of his political associates who had been his devoted supporters in the past. When they no longer saw any political benefit to themselves by being associated with a loser who had refused to accept defeat by demanding recount after recount, they began to call his resulting behavior childish and ridiculous along with a large percentage of the country. One by one his political supporters began to disassociate themselves from his paranoia, his narcissism, his self created reality, his lies, his infantile behavior and his stubborn denial that he had lost the election. His insistence that he had won the election was soundly based upon the evangelists and ministers of the Non-Christ-Like People who had told him that God said he would certainly win the election, no doubt about it. One of the ministers told him in front of a large audience that God told her that he was the apple of God's eye and that he would win the election. The false prophesies to him from the evangelists reinforced his own lies to himself that he was special to God and that he could not have lost the election. Obviously, the prophesies by the evangelists were just that, false prophesies.
Still, even with some of his administrative staff beginning to abandon him, the Grinch remained the Grinch, mean spirited and self consumed. He continued to sue in different courts again and again for recounts, insisting that the election was illegal, a fraud and a hoax. All of the lawsuits were denied by different judges over and over again. Most of his cultish followers refused also to accept defeat. They hated to give up their flawed, cruel tyrant with whom they were willing to associate because they worshiped his various flaws as if they were virtues.
This sad situation is also reflected in many stories in history books about flawed dictators whose fragile egos would not allow them to accept defeat. Without the endearing devotion of his political base that was made up of his children and his factious political party as well as the previous Christ People who had become Non-Christ-Like People by taking on his personality flaws and prejudices themselves, without their adoration of him the Grinch would not have been so convinced that he was the savior of the country and he probably would not have made such a spectacle of himself after his loss. Their worship of him turned him into a much more flawed personality than his own father had originally created by his own adoration of the Grinch.
In the words of a prophet concerning another sad and tragic situation from centuries ago, the tried and true prophet's final warning also applies here:
The prophet wrote this:
"The oppressor has reached his end,
and so the turmoil is stilled.
The rod of the wicked has been broken along with the staff of the tyrant
that struck the people in wrath with relentless blows;
That rod beat down the nation in anger while the oppressor went unchecked.
But the earth rests peacefully now and song breaks forth.
Yes, the people, as trees, rejoice saying, 'Now that the tyrant is gone there
is no one to cut us down.'
The nether world below is all astir, preparing for his coming.
All of the other cruel leaders before him wait to greet him.
They all say, 'You, too, have become weak like us
because you are the same as us.'
Down to the netherworld your pomp is brought
along with the words of your mouth.
Men of power, be ready to stop his sons in the pursuits of their father
lest they rise up and possess the earth again,
Filling the breadth of the world again with tyrants.
(Isaiah 14:4-11 and 21, The Bible, New Jerusalem translation)
Miracles! Everyday miracles come to us through nature and other people. These stories offer a clear understanding and visual proof how God works in our lives everyday. We are given Miracles for free if we can be still and listen then we shall see....
Saturday, November 28, 2020
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