T. Wieland Allen
While musing with God one morning upon waking I said to Him in my thoughts, "Father, you have the greatest communication skills." Meaning it as a genuine, heart-felt compliment to Him,I didn't intend for that statement to be the pivotal point of an exploration of His efforts to restore personal communication with all His children just like the one on one communication He had with Adam at the beginning of the earth. Though I didn't intend it to lead to a teaching, God did.
My thoughts began to go through Biblical history, starting with satan cutting off the ability of men to hear God's constant conversations with them, dulling their hearing and blinding their eyes to God's efforts to communicate His rescuing attempts to all men.
I began to think about God giving instructions to men through Mosaic Laws which the angels wrote in stone when Moses was on the mountain. That was really a dramatic show of God's desire to speak to His children. He wanted to instruct them how to avoid the evil trappings that satan had brought into the earth when Adam allowed him to enter the earth through Adan falling for the deception of the evil one. Those laws were meant to protect and guide men, not condemn and judge them. Later Levitican laws were added, still in an effort to protect God's children from evil.
After God's children began to refuse to heed his instructions written in stone and given through priests, he answered their prayers and sent judges to settle differences between men. That worked for a while as long as the judges discerned between right and wrong activities, bringing peace to the people.
Later He sent prophets to speak for Him, warning men of impending problems and teaching them how to avoid the evil that satan had brought into their lives. That also sufficed for a while.
Then He began to speak through dreams and visions and angelic visitations to certain men who would receive and believe them. He also gave wisdom to other men which enabled them to correctly interpret the dreams and visions. He was constantly trying to protect His children from evil by pointing it out to them and instructing them how to avoid it.
God never changes, but God's communication skills with men always changed because men changed and they began to reject His help.
Finally He sent His Words into the earth in the form of flesh, His Son, and His Words lived among men, teaching them the lessons He wanted them to learn about His ways, and instructing them again how to reject the evil that was still in the earth.
Jesus, His Son, demonstrated to men how He communicated with the Father and the benefits of that communication. People were healed, miracles became evident and demons were cast out of men, bringing them the freedom from addictions and destructive works of satan. All of that was as a result of the constant communication Jesus had with the Father.
Through the death and miraculous resurrection of Jesus, a path from heaven to earth was cleared that enabled men to have the same communication with their Heavenly Father that Jesus had. That was accomplished by the Father sending His Own Spirit into the earth through the path that Jesus cleared, and God's personal communication was restored to every man who would partake of the rebirth of his human spirit by the impregnation of God's Spirit. What wonderful communication every child of God can have when God lives inside of the person. The Holy Spirit is God's two way communication, His Internet connection, His WiFi, His FaceBook, His Tweeter, His YouTube, His Twitter, His telegraph, His cell phone, his texting, all wrapped up into One Being, the Holy Spirit.
Through His Spirit living within a man, God communicates through insight, dreams, visions, discernment, prophesies, personal instructions, cautions, revelations, etc., which will enhance a person's life and bring heaven to earth for him.
Through His personal communication God's power is transmitted to people who choose to receive His help. He gives solutions to problems through His gifts of wisdom and knowledge and discerning of spirits. He gives anointing for healing and miracles. He gives His supernatural belief which is called faith.
The most miraculous example of God's communication skills is by His speaking His powerful spiritual words into the earth through the mouths of men which become creative power to change circumstances, situations, and even people. God's spiritual words, with which He created the world, are spoken in the earth again, but now through the mouths of His children in prayers of the Holy Spirit. Those prayers, instigated by God, allow Him to speak His creative words again to destroy the works of satan, just like Jesus did. They change the world situations from bad to good. They restore everything to the way God created it to be, which is that everything becomes beneficial to His children. The curses of the evil one are changed by the power of God and become blessings instead of curses to God's children.
Now, that is a Wonderful Father, One who has had multiple ways of communicating with His children to perfect their lives and the lives of others who haven't chosen to partake of His words. God has always had, and still has, perfect communication skills.
Every man has the opportunity to be One with God and accept His personal communication. It is through His Holy Spirit living within them, speaking to them in whatever way they can receive it at the time, whether it's through dreams, visions, wisdom, knowledge or personal words. He's always there with His loving words. He's speaking to every man every minute of every day. The Holy Spirit is the connection that enables men to receive His comforting and loving words.
God's talking. Who's listening?
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