Saturday, May 18, 2013


     My miracle story about the tire shop man who fixed my tire, checked all the other tires and the spare and didn’t charge me anything, has escalated into a new and interesting miracle.
      I was so joyful at having favor with God and men, which had come to my mind after being favored by the kind tire shop man, and I went shopping at my favorite store. After hearing the checkout lady talking about being in agreement and working well with one of the other clerks, I just happened to mention that I had had a special morning and asked if the lady wearing the name tag of Amy wanted to hear a story that would make her happy. She said yes, she would welcome a good testimony.
       I told her the story about having favor with the tire store man and she relayed to me that when I had walked in the store that morning she had said to herself, there’s a lady wearing a coat of my colors, just like Joseph's coat of many colors in the Bible.
      We enjoyed the company of each other for a few minutes and then I left to run more errands.
     I had not thought of the incident again. However, a friend happened to mention that she has a special friend who started working at that retail store. After we compared stories, it turns out that it’s the same person, Amy. We shared stories about Amy and how sweet and loving she is. My friend mentioned that she is going to ask Amy to come to the Bible study group that we both attend. I was excited about that for sure, excited about sharing with Amy about God’s goodness.
     Today was a day that I had set aside to plant some rose bushes what I had bought when my husband was undergoing chemotherapy.  I had merely set the plants that were still inside of the utility pots in which they were planted at the nursery, put those pots inside of other pots because I didn’t have time to put them permanently into decorative pots. They sat in the utility pots inside of the other pots all winter and survived. I was hoping they would survive the winter because the rose bushes are very unusual. They have small rose blooms all over the bushes in multiple colors on the same bush. I’ve never seen that. They are pink, orange, white and varying shades of those colors, coral, tangerine, etc.
     Today as I was taking one of the rose bushes out of the utility pot to put into a decorative pot, which will be its new home, I noticed that there was still the paper label on that bush. I looked at it and was amazed. The name of the rose bush was Joseph's  Coat of Many Colors. I couldn’t believe it. I searched the other bushes and found two more paper labels. Both had the same name of the rose bushes, Joseph's Coat of Many Colors.
     I believe that Amy is to join with us in the Bible Study and I believe that I am to read the story again about Joseph and his coat of many colors. God doesn’t go to that much trouble to set up that scenario for naught. There is a message of wisdom and a lesson for Amy, for our mutual friend, for the ladies in the Bible study group and for me.
     It is so exciting to be able to experience special events which we know were orchestrated by God. In fact, I was at that store yesterday and Amy waited on me. I bought orange jeans. Now, those bright orange jeans will go great with my jacket or coat of many colors, which Amy so aptly named.
     I love colors. I always say that I am definitely kin to Our Heavenly Father because I love to join with Him in adorning the earth is many colors. It keeps me happy and excited about life to see a variety of beautiful colors, a feast for my eyes.
      Now, those bright orange jeans will go great with My jacket or coat of many colors, which Amy so aptly named.
     Watch for me.  you won't be able to miss me.  I'm the lady wearing the bright orange jeans and the many colored jacket.  If Joseph can get away with it, so can I.   

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