Our visiting granddaughter Edan and our daughter Pam wanted to go to the local Haunted Castle for an evening of enjoyment at the young children's portion of what we used to call a fright house. Fortunately the owner has added a 10 and under portion to the normally very fearful other sections of the Haunted Castle. Grandson Jesse had already left to go to a friend's house to watch a football game. Gramps wanted to accompany the others to the Castle, as did our other sixteen year old granddaughter Lindsey. They all traipsed off to the Castle and I stayed home to clean up the kitchen after dinner.
After cleaning the kitchen I felt the urge to go sit in the rocker on the deck and enjoy the delightful Indian Summer evening. I saw the evidence of lighting in the distance which looked more like a July 4th sky with fireworks dancing all over the sky. I surmised that it was more evident close to the Castle where the others were enjoying the early Halloween festivities. Since it is my unusual habit to pray when alone, I began to pray in the Spirit, or in God's language as i usually call it. In the past I've found that those prayers have 100 % success rate.
After praying for a long time, I decided to turn on the TV to see what the weather local channels had to say about the weather. The skies were beginning to look ominous even though we had only had a few sprinkles of rain.
Immediately after I turned on the TV the phone rang and Pam said that they were were on their way home, but they had to wait in line of cars to exit the Castle grounds. I was glad to know they were okay and on their way home because the TV newscasters were alerting people to stay indoors because of the abundance of lighting in the area.
When the four adventurers walked in the door they looked like soaked dogs who had been out in the rain all night. Their hair was soaked, their clothes were drenched, their shoes were soggy and their adrenalin was high. Their tale was exciting. It seems like they had left the Castle in a light sprinkle of rain but they had to walk to the car in a roundabout way. Before they reached the car the skies opened up and rain began pouring out of the sky in a blinding stream with lighting striking and loud thunder immediately followed the lightning, a clear indication that the lighting was stinking right above or around the hurrying crowd who were exiting the Castle in a mad rush to their cars.
The girls were frightened. Five year old Edan was petrified of the power of the lightning right above their heads and the loudness of the thunder immediately following the lightning. She screamed and wanted her mom, Pam, to carry her the rest of the way to the car. Lindsey said she almost cried with fright. She grabbed Grampa and held on for dear life. Pam was carrying an open umbrella in one hand and carrying Edan with the other arm trying to run as fast as she could. Pam told me that she felt the lighting power in the umbrella when it struck. Edan told me that the lightning hit her and her mom, "Right here," motioning to her ribs areas. She felt something in that area of her body because she knows very little about lightning and thunder, being from the west coast area.
I know beyond a doubt that God saved my family and the others in the crowd from the damaging power of that lighting. Why else would I have the urge to sit on the deck and seeing the lighting flashes feel the urge to pray?
Saved again is all I can exclaim. God has saved us many times before and He certainly saved us again.
The storm added another frightening dimension to the Halloween festivities at the Haunted Castle, one that we could have done without. But God is in the business of saving us and He did it in a wonderful way again.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, again and again.
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